Stephen Wellum
What is New About the New Covenant
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Pastor W. W. Sasser
Law and Grace What's the Big Deal
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Dr. Frank Gumerlock
Hebrews 11 8-19: God's Land Promise to Abraham and the New Covenant
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Stephen Wellum
The Nature of Typology Revisited: Do We All Agree?
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Peter Gentry
Doctrinal Workshop
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Stephen Wellum
Doctrinal Workshop
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Peter Gentry
What the OT says about Inclusion of the Gentiles
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Pastor Gary George
Regenerative Power of the Holy Spirit in the OT and NT
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Dr. Gary D. Long
New Covenant Theology Time for a More Accurate Way
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Zachary S. Maxcey (M.Div.)
Daniel 9 24-27: The Messiah and the New Covenant
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Peter Gentry
God's Dealing with Abraham: Conditional or Unconditional? 1 or 2 covenants?
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Kirk Wellum
The Ecclesiological Implications of the New Covenant
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Blake White
1 Corinthians 9 19-23: Not Under Law But Not Without Law
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Richard Max Smith (Th.M.)
2 Timothy 3 14-16: The Profitability of Scripture
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2014 Council on Biblical Theology
July 22-25, 2014
Grace Church at Franklin

Theme: God's Eternal Kingdom Purpose:
NCT-Time for a More Accurate Way

Providence Theological Seminary
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